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Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired


Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist

Location: North Carolina
Organization: Equalize Sensory Services


  • Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired with at least 3 years of successful experience in VI (or be certifiable in NC or SC after relocation).
    • Or have a strong base of teaching experience with add-on TVI certification and a successful student teaching experience
  • Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist 
    • ACVREP O&M Certification or graduate of a university-training program in O&M with successful internship and references.
    • Willing to obtain ACVREP O&M certification upon relocation

Part-time and full-time positions available throughout North Carolina and South Carolina (Charlotte, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Wilmington, Chapel Hill, Greenville, and beyond).

Please visit our website for more information and send us a note to get the conversation started: [email protected]



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As an added member benefit, your job posting will be featured on the AER website and included in the monthly issue of The Voice. We'll also share your job opening on AER's LinkedIn account to help you reach a broader audience and help attract top talent in our industry. 

Complete the Career Connection Application and submit it with payment via email to [email protected].